Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Pro-EU fanatics often spout the lie that the people are too uneducated to have a vote on issues like Brexit. That we know too little about politics to be trusted in a referendum.

But if that is the case, then why do they not advocate abolishing General Elections? After all, if we are too dim to vote in a referendum, then we are also unfit to select people to vote on our behalf.

And another thing.... what about juries? After all, people are chosen to decide a verdict, without a degree in law, perhaps not educated enough to make an informed decision. How come they don't openly call for the abolition of juries, if they think the masses are incapable???
"The UK will have to significantly increase defence spending if it is to maintain influence with Washington and Nato allies, MPs have warned."
"A Commons Defence Committee report says the defence budget should rise from 2% of GDP (£40bn) to 3% (£60bn)."
"The committee said the extra money for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) could be spent on increasing the readiness of the armed forces and to bolster Britain's anti-submarine warfare to counter possible threats from Russia."
1) "Influence" translates to "telling other nations how to run their own affairs and invading them in order to make them "liberal democracies" (often with disastrous consequences, as he have seen in the Middle East)
2) "Possible threats from Russia" - Russia is trying to defend European civilisation from Radical Islam, multiculturalism and Cultural Marxism.
They aren't the enemy - our political class is.....
3) People complain about the financial cost of being in the EU, but what about the cost of being in NATO? Neutrality, and not sticking our noses into the Middle East; spending money only on armed forces capable of defending our borders is a far cheaper option.

Monday, 25 June 2018

1. Supports open borders, so that local workers are replaced by those from poorer nations, thereby depressing wages and increasing the numbers applying for jobs.
2. Supports mass unemployment, so that there are more workers applying for each job, meaning there are more to choose from and the more desperate workforce is willing to accept worse pay and conditions in order to secure that job.
3. Supports an increasing population, so that there is more demand for housing, and more pressure on government to relinquish green belt land, parks, playing fields and golf courses for new development. Big businesses destroy the environment.
4. Encourages personal debt, entices people to buy items they do not need, to "keep up with the Joneses" and generally remain in the control of the banks.
5. Buys influence over our elected politicians by funding their campaigns in return for "favours". Blackmails the voter with threats to disinvest if government does not pursue "business-friendly" policies.
6. Supports "free trade", which really means the production of goods by sweated labour in the Third World, rather than employing our people on fair pay and conditions. These imports undercut products made in our factories causing our people yet more unemployment (which, as already mentioned is part of big businesses' way of keeping the workforce servile).
7. Seeks to monopolise the economy by wiping out the small trader in price wars with loyalty cards and bulk buying. As small independent traders close, our High Streets become "clone towns" with each becoming much the same as another, up and down the country.
8. Promotes the privatisation of our utilities (water, gas, electricity) so it can control every aspect of life.

------ It is time to create a new movement that will campaign for public ownership of essential services, to restore the fortunes of the small business, and to break down big business into smaller locally owned units. Join the Populist Party TODAY! 
The next copy of Vox Populist magazine is due soon. Order your copy today by contacting the Populist Party on 07577531407.
RE: EU Single Market.
We cannot have free trade with the EU as a bloc, because of the various standards of living within the EU.
If the EU were confined to those countries with a national average wage comparable to ours then, yes, it would be a viable proposition, BUT it includes Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic States. Their national average wage, being that much lower than ours, means that goods made in those nations will undercut ours. Hence we need taxes on goods from those nations to create a level playing field in trade. But the EU will not allow free trade with Germany and France whilst having tariffs on Bulgaria and Romania.
Had the EU been simply a trading bloc between the UK, France, Germany, Scandinavian and Benelux nations with perhaps Italy and Iberian nations involved, with no open borders, no transnational laws, no waste, no fishing or agricultural quotas then people may have been happy to stay, but it isn't and many who voted to join, have voted to leave an organisation that barely resembles the old EEC.
In short - the EU "did it to themselves".......

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Unlike UKIP we can tap into remainer fears over:

a) Competition and undercutting by developing nations outside the EU.
b) Reduced Health and Safety...
c) The working time directive...
e) Subsidies for our farmers
f) Matching the EU current regional development post Brexit (and outlining that it is OUR money that they use).

PP policy offers a protectionism that current EU supporters may find more palatable than the "global Britain" proposed by the Tories and UKIP. Much of the Labour pro-EU vote was based upon a feeling that the EU could provide protection against neo-liberalism, Thatcherism and deregulation.

We can persuade them that the realistic choice for them post-Brexit, is to side with a Protectionism outside the EU that continues to favour trade with developed nations over the developing/undeveloped ones (initially Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and eventually any EU nation that breaks free from the EU), but with the bonus of free trade with Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

We will reach out beyond the 52%, because though a proportion of them (mainly in wealthier areas) will be diametrically opposed to our economics, another proportion of the Remain vote (in the less well-off areas) voted out of fear of the unknown, based upon concerns over points a) to f) as outlined above.