The Populist Party stands opposed to globalisation.
What does globalisation mean to the British people?
1) Goods that could be made here are instead imported.
The globalists say that this provides cheaper goods, as they can be made cheaper in the far East, where wages are low, and worker conditions poor. What they don't mention is the massive cost in providing welfare for the people who, if not for globalism, would be working in factories making these goods in the UK, rather than on the dole.
2) The High Street is hit hard.
Globalists claim that goods made in poor nations are cheaper. However, if they were made by British workers, then our workers would have more money to buy items in the shops. Not only that, but if the wages for production are going to someone abroad, they will be spent in foreign shops, not those in the UK.
And the importation of labour, often on the minimum wage, makes the situation even worse, because a large proportion of their wages head off to their country of origin, to be spent by relatives there, rather than in our economy. That's why we support heavy tax on money transfer.
3) Globalisation damages democracy.
Globalisation, in the form of multinational business, means that nations are fearful of the chance that these companies will pull out of their country if the elected representatives fail to do their bidding. So, we support the concept of co-operatives, self-employment and smaller locally owned business as an economic model - if you have a stake in the economy you will not pull out, and workers will have better job security. That helps the economy. People with security are able to make longer term financial decisions.
That's just three reasons why YOU should oppose Globalisation. There are many other reasons, that are well documented - like immigration which causes a squeeze on housing, on school and hospital places, on the green belt, and on jobs. Immigration is part of globalisation too.
Find out more about the Populist Party. We propose protection of our workers against global competition as OUR Brexit strategy. We propose breaking down the economy into smaller businesses (including media ownership) by using monopoly and merger legislation and generous tax incentives for the small business.
surely by now people have twigged that the Tories Labour and Liberal Parties are proven liars and they're must be moves for Parties like the Populist Party to offer a much needed breath of fresh air